
PLC Sydney has spent many years taking part in the Santa Sabina Volleyball Competition in Term 4. The sport offers an opportunity for both experienced, and first-time players to take part. The Volleyball culture is the perfect balance of competitiveness, teamwork as well as a social element. All the Saturday games are played at Santa Sabina College for the 7 consecutive weeks, plus finals. 

Teams are selected during Term 3 when trials are held. The teams are selected in year groups; Year 7, Year 8, Year 9, Year 10 & Opens (Year 11/12). This also provides an opportunity for students to play with their friends and have an enjoyable experience of playing Volleyball. Ready .. Set .. Spike! 

Senior School Overview

Membership: Years 7–12 via tryouts

Cost: $197, this amount will be billed to students’ school fees account

When: Term 4

Trials: Late Term 3. Teams will be selected in Year groups. Where there are more than one team in a year group, grading will be necessary as the competition is graded

Training: One weekday before or after school

Game Days: Saturdays, 1-2 hours between 7.30 am and 1.30 pm, Santa Sabina College, 90 The Boulevarde, Strathfield (Best entry off Jersey Road)

Uniform: Available at the Glencorse Uniform Shop 

Hair must be tied back off the face and no jewellery is to be worn.

Equipment: Sport shoes that are appropriate for playing on grass 

Staff: Ms Lauren O'Shea 02 9704 5645 (sports staff room ) 

Sign Up: Opens early Term 3, a Notice will be sent via PLACES