Chinese Debating Club

Chinese Debating Club will train students to participate in formal debating competitions such as the NSW Schools Chinese Debating Championship and informal competitions against some local schools (usually in May & June). A professional coach is invited to help with the training. The debating topics are closely linked to the themes and issues taught in HSC Chinese courses. 

The aim of this club is to improve students’ abilities to listen, read, write and speak Chinese at a very high level and to allow them to use their language skills in a practical way. It will enhance students’ critical thinking, teamwork, collaboration, leadership, public speaking and debating in Chinese. It also allows students to represent our school in a meaningful way. 

Membership: Years 7–12, Heritage or Background Mandarin Chinese speakers

Cost: Nil

When:  Terms 1–2, Thursday lunchtimes

Venue: WG06

Staff: Ms Faraday Pang

Sign Up: Early Term 1, a Notice will be sent via PLACES