
Fuel is a student and chaplain-led group that provides an opportunity for students to explore and nurture their faith in Jesus, ask real questions, and think hard about the issues facing young people.

We meet each week to investigate how life works best as followers of Jesus. We do this through life-changing talks, dynamic discussions, and Bible studies in small groups. Fuel also runs socials and outings at key points of the year.

There are two major conferences held each year:

Anyone can come to Fuel! You don’t have to belong to a church or youth group or have a Christian background. We’re a welcoming and inclusive community that follows Jesus and seeks to explain who He is and why he is the centre of the Christian faith.

Fuel meets on Wednesday lunchtimes in the MSR. Activities cater for all year groups across the Senior School.

Fuel is directed by Mrs Edwina Soh, Miss Mandy Wu, and Mrs Jiye Kim. 


Membership: Years 7-12

Cost: Nil

When:  Terms 1–4, Wednesday lunchtimes

Venue: MSR - Level 3


Sign Up:  Anytime through the year or email one of the Chaplains listed above