Timor-Leste Service Learning Tour

The Timor-Leste Service Learning Tour is designed to give Years 10 and 11 students the opportunity to travel and experience life in a developing country. The tour will give students an insight into the culture of Timor-Leste and provide service learning experiences which will enhance both their personal and academic development.

 A key aspect of the tour includes visiting and working with the schools we support, Becora Kindergarten and Comoro.

PLC Sydney Year 10 students made their first annual trip to Timor-Leste in 2011 and since then have taken part in some incredible work. The schools are  in great need of our assistance. Students will spend quality time with the children and help staff develop future programs of support.  

There are also many opportunities to discover the culture of Timor-Leste in its city, Dili.

Read more about the 2020 Tour.