
PLC Sydney has a long established and comprehensive Drama program that allows students to develop their confidence and creativity both within the classroom and in a co curricular capacity.

Drama is a subject that every student will benefit from studying because it builds the core capabilities of communication, collaboration and problem-solving. We seek to develop a student’s emotional intelligence, as well as their academic performance.

Students interested in this subject can take Elective Drama studies from Year 9. They can also take part in a number of co-curricular activities from Years 712.

Senior School students can become involved in our lunchtime Drama Ensembles (non-audition) which provide students from Years 7–12 with the opportunity to learn the fundamentals of Drama and collaborate with like-minded peers:

The College produces three major productions each year (via audition), they are: 

The PLC Sydney Extension Centre offers after school co-curricular Drama programs for Junior School students.

Keep up to date with news from Performing Arts via:

Beauty and the Beast - 2018 Musical

Adaams Family - 2019 Musical